Monday, September 8, 2008

Save Space - Spa, Bath, Jacuzzi In One


I am loving this cool invention of a bath tub. The SPAcer, designed by Dominik Chojnacki, is a movable Spa bath tub that you can actually fold up against the wall once you're finished with it to save floor space. Pretty cool, huh? This is one of my favorite fixtures in a bathroom. Bath tubs are cool inventions designed to relax the body, mind, and aching muscles. You can soak in a warm, bubble bath, or relax in an aromatherapy session.

The SPAcer bath is designed for small bathrooms that can't accommodate big bath tubs. It's shaped like a peanut and has just the right curves to accommodate the body. It's a good thing Dominik Chojnacki thought of useful invention ideas like this. This is absolutely perfect for my bathroom.


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